We Have This Treasure Within
Sunday, 21st January 2024
I want you to take a moment and say the following: "I have everything I need to experience God's overflow and to fulfil my destiny in Jesus' name." Why is that? Because the day you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you receive the glorious treasure of God's presence! You receive God Himself living on the inside of you!
This is the greatest treasure you could ever possess and it is for EVERY believer! You will live a powerful life, you will never quit because the anointing is designed to lead, guide and empower you to live a victorious life, spirit, soul and body!
You carry a glorious treasure on the inside! The greatest treasure you could ever possess! The indwelling presence of Christ! You need to operate in the unction to function which means you need to know and discern the treasure that you have received and respect it! It is not common, it is the mystery that was hidden… Christ in you the hope of glory!! Jesus living in you and Jesus living through you! The anointing and the Anointed One living in you
Christian, I have a message for you: You carry a glorious treasure on the inside! The greatest treasure you could ever possess! The indwelling presence of Christ! The day you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you receive the glorious treasure of God's presence! You receive God Himself living on the inside of you! That's how we go from glory to glory! Not defeat to defeat! Failure is not for the glory of God. Getting up from failure is for the glory of God! So dip into the unction of that treasure every day of your life. This is for every believer!
This treasure we have received gives us the power to bounce back when we fall, to remain courageous and to live a victorious Christian life! It is more precious than anything else in your life! And this is for every believer! Not just the sacred few. There's not a little deposit in some of us and a big deposit in others. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! So dip into this treasure! Allow the refreshing presence of God to change your mind!