Pastor At Boshoff
Sermon Summary

You Anoint My Head With Fresh Oil

Sunday, 20th August 2023

Cast your weight on the Lord! There are certain things you can’t carry. Some things are too heavy and certain situations too dark no matter how strong you are. Just like the prophet Elijah who was invincible and strong the one day and ran away for his life the next. But even though Elijah was discouraged, depressed and all alone, God did not abandon him! God fed him, restored his mind and revived him! The same God that restored Elijah will restore you! He will anoint your head with fresh oil and get you through the valley! You may be in a bad chapter but God will write a beautiful story for you! One believer in God makes a majority! It doesn’t matter who is against you! If God is for you, who can be against you?

God is saying to us arise!! Arise from your sleep and discouragement! I am not saying you are not going to feel discouraged tomorrow but as you get God’s Word into your mind! As you expose yourself to His presence!! As you lie down in a cave, as you sit down at a juniper tree God will come to you! You will hear the voice of God and your wits will return!! You will pick up your destiny again!! You will become courageous again because you hear the voice of God! You are not listening to the liar and deceiver!! You are not listening to the hireling! You will listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd!! You are going to live again! Your dreams will still come to pass! Get yourself back in the Word and House of God! Get yourself back in the anointing of the Holy Spirit again! Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life! No matter the valley you are going through your future is bright!

Say: "He restores my soul. He anoints my head with fresh oil" We need God’s fresh oil to be poured out on our minds because many people are in a valley of despair! Mental illness is one of the top issues in humanity today! A lot of people are losing their minds. That’s why we need to deal with emotional issues because if we don’t they may form strongholds in our minds and take us to a valley of discouragement and hopelessness. But even if you are walking through a valley right now, do not forget that you are NOT ALONE! God is always with you and will always lead you through the valley! He will restore your soul! So get back in church, eat from His Word and be refreshed, revived and strengthened in His presence!

You may be going through a valley right now but I say to you arise from your discouragement! God is going to walk you through the valley and anoint your head with fresh oil! I’m not saying you won’t feel discouraged again tomorrow but as you eat from His Word and drink in His presence you are going to hear His voice again! When you hear His voice your courage will return! You will be strong and courageous again because you have heard the still small voice of the Lord! You will not listen to the hireling but to the voice of the good shepherd who restores your soul! So get yourself back in the word and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it's only a matter of time for you to be refreshed and revived! God is not done with you! He will restore your soul!

We need to not just anoint our spirits but we need God’s anointing in our minds! He is our Good Shepherd and He will anoint our heads with fresh oil! We do not camp in the valley and isolate ourselves! We do not give up on ourselves because God will not give up on us! In the same way, God came to Elijah and provided for him in the cave and in his despair so God does the same for us! He is a loving Father! He is with us every step of the way! We need to get back to His Word and His Presence so that we can get the mind of God for our situations and not allow the enemy to distract and destruct our thought patterns! Get the Word of God back into your Word and allow God’s Word to reconstruct, renovate and renew your thought patterns!!!

Elijah went from one moment of victory to running for his life to a place of discouragement! And here he isolates himself and then he starts to plan to quit! But God comes to him in the valley! God comes to him because God did not give up on him in the same way that he will not give up on you! God says I am not done with you! You still have things to do and places to go!! Somewhere a valley will touch you and then you cannot lose your sanity you have to lift your eyes to Jesus!! We are not hopeless in those times!! We have to fight and deal with it! Do whatever we can! You need your mind anointed so that you can fight the battles! God will reconstruct and renovate your mind as you allow God’s Word to come into your mind!!



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