Christian Revival Church


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We are the CRC Media Department! Media and technology form a crucial part of our CRC vision, building one Church in many locations. Our CRC Media team is largely volunteer-driven, filled with passionate members who bring their time and talents into the house of God, using it to make a difference as we work to win the lost at any cost!

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What To Expect

As a media team, we ensure that everyone in our auditoriums, as well as our broadcast and online audience, has a world-class experience. We have various teams in our department who also manage all our online platforms including our website and social media.

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When We Serve

Our media team is involved in the preparation before service, the operations during a service as well as after our Sunday celebration services. Thursday’s are a crucial part of our week as that is when our various teams also get together as we rehearse and prepare for Sundays!

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For His Glory

Our Media Team works together to ensure that we have the best possible broadcast of our Sunday Celebration services every Sunday to millions of people and multiple platforms and channels all over the world! The media team is also involved in all our CRC Productions, Conferences and Harvest events.

JOIN Media & Creative Arts


Our broadcast teams manage all our camera stations as well as the various platforms including our television broadcasts and social media streams, where our services air on a weekly basis.


The lights team assist in creating the right atmosphere during praise and worship as people encounter the presence of God. Our team is responsible for managing the lights and the screens on stage.


Every week our sound team is mixing the sound you hear on a Sunday to ensure that everything is cohesive from the instruments to the vocals to Pastor At Boshoff’s sound throughout the service


This team consists of people who are able to effectively communicate between all our different serving departments in media as well as all other departments serving during our Sunday celebration services.

Graphic & Web Design

Our graphic & web designers assist in creating all the designs that you see on our screens on a Sunday, our website, social media platforms as well as any designs required for our flagship events.

Video Editing

Our video editing team loves to tell a story. They are responsible to create all our videos on our various online platforms.


Our Presenters and Actors are able to communicate information in front of a camera as well as use their voices for powerful voiceover recordings, stepping into various characters’ shoes during our Productions

Social Media Marketing

The Social Media Marketing team focuses on strategising and growing our social media platforms as well as managing the various content going out on these platforms.

Script and Copywriting

Our scriptwriting team weekly comes together to write scripts for the presenters on a Sunday, to source brilliant quotes based on the Sunday service and assist in writing our Conference openers and Production scripts.

Make-Up & Costume

They create look books for the dancers on stage and completes the make-up and styling on Sundays. The Make-Up and Costume team is also heavily involved in productions and conferences.

Photo & Video

Our videographers and photographers capture each every and moment during our Sunday services, events and conferences.


Our dance teams have the opportunity each Sunday to serve on stage with our CRC music ministry as the kick of our services with praise items. They also play a key role in events and CRC Productions.

Photo Editing

Our church photo editing team needs passionate volunteers to edit weekly photos that capture His work. Whether you’re experienced or just starting, you can make a difference! Join our photo editing team today!

Props & Stage Design

Our props team is responsible to create and manage any stage illustrations and decor requested on a Sunday as well as brainstorm and create the props and stage decor for our Conferences and Productions.


We ensure the CRC Merch is designed and planned, that the online store runs smoothly and that people are assisted with their purchases, providing guidance and welcoming people with a friendly smile at the pop-up shops on a Sunday!


Our church is largely volunteer-driven, filled with passionate members who bring their time and talents into the house of God, using it to make a difference as we work to win the lost at any cost!

Media & Creative Arts

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