the watchmen
Intercessory prayer is one of the most important weapons any church or individual Christian can possess. As watchmen on the walls, the Intercession Ministry in CRC stands in the gap and forms a hedge against the enemy and his intent against the church and its membership. We intercede for the salvation of our Cities and our Country.
Mark 11:17 says: ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.’

What To Expect
Join our team of prayer warriors today! Your prayer will make a difference! We meet on Thursday evenings in each CRC location to stand in the gap and pray! On Sundays we pray during the pre-service prayer, where we birth souls into the Kingdom of God!

When We Serve
Our serving is mainly focused on praying for breakthrough in certain areas of the ministry and for open doors for the advancing of God’s Kingdom and for the souls of every mankind to be saved. We have several groups praying throughout the week for specific topics as well as praying from the high places in our city.

Ready To Serve
We also make a difference, through our spiritual warfare, by tearing down of strongholds, removing burdens and destroying yokes, setting the captives free from bondage and bringing the kingdom of God to earth.
Our church is largely volunteer-driven, filled with passionate members who bring their time and talents into the house of God, using it to make a difference as we work to win the lost at any cost!