Prison Ministry
prisons across the country
CRC Prison Ministry is a groundbreaking project, between CRC and the South African Correctional Services. Established in 2011, Prison Ministry allows us to go into the prisons on a Sunday, setting up live-link technology to stream Pastor At Boshoff’s life-changing sermons in real-time to offenders across the country, seeing thousands of lives changed and transformed.

What To Expect
As part of the Prison Ministry team, you will join us as we visit prisons across the country, ministering to the needs of incarcerated offenders, guiding them in their walk with Jesus and assisting them to prepare for a new life outside.

When We Serve
We serve on Sundays. We physically go into the respective prison’s, facilitate sermons, assist with spiritual welfare and assist with aftercare of the inmates.

Ready To Serve
We speak life into those who are lost and broken, we uplift and teach inmates the Word of God and help them reach maturity in Christ while in prison.
Our church is largely volunteer-driven, filled with passionate members who bring their time and talents into the house of God, using it to make a difference as we work to win the lost at any cost!