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“Uninvolved members never reach spiritual maturity!” - Pastor At Boshoff
2025 will be a year of multiplication—a season of extreme growth, fruitfulness, and expansion for CRC as a Move, all for the glory of God!
From the very beginning, God commanded us in Genesis 1 to be fruitful and multiply. We take responsibility and use what He has entrusted to us to multiply and expand His Kingdom.
Bring your time, talent, and treasure as we work together to build His Kingdom! Whether you’re a businessman with an hour to spare each week or a passionate student ready to run, there is a unique place for you to get involved.
Remember, God’s blessings go beyond our immediate circle—we are blessed to be a blessing, called to make a difference in the lives of others!
Answer the call! From 19 January to 16 February, during our morning and evening services, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about getting involved.
Forms will be distributed during the service, allowing you to quickly submit your request to get involved. This will help us train and equip you! For more information, contact your Zone Pastor.
Inspiring testimonies will be shared, highlighting the many ways you can get involved within the House.